Who are we?

SixDaggers is a service run by collectors - for collectors. We are based in Germany and seek to offer a platform specifically designed to find the right pieces for your project. In addition to this, we offer a selection of vintage shirts & longsleeves.

Why us?

Our goal is to streamline the process of hunting for that perfect addition to your project & cutting out all the noise. As collectors, we know by experience that getting into bid wars at 3AM, only to lose by a penny, getting ghosted by sellers asking you to send offers on their stuff, and scrolling through an eBay search filled with digi-printed trash is tiresome and unrewarding. Our platform removes this element of frustration and allows you to focus only on working on your projects (be it creating a vest of expanding a themed collection).

What do we offer?

SixDaggers offers no drummed up tales, no distractions. We focus on the pieces themselves & they are accompanied only by the information relevant to collectors & those aspiring to get into the game: Provenance, measurements, condition & a high-res image of the patch. There will be no bad surprises. What you see is what you get. 
Additionally, our shop is set up in way that lets you filter the entire catalogue by metrics that - by experience - are those relevant to collectors: bands, genres, shapes, condition, the colour of border, origin. Looking for ministrips? Got it. Only on the hunt for red borders? Cut out all the noise with the "border: red" filter.

Is there more?

Yes! We are constantly expanding our catalogue, so there is value in checking back often. If you are looking for something specific, or you think you have pieces that might be interesting to us, simply shoot us a message via our contact form.